Is Your Brain on Fire?

Dr. Stephey takes a holistic approach to treating his patients. He recognizes that brain function impacts vision function. Healthy cells produce optimal brain functioning. The Brainspan at-home test kit allows patients to test three important markers of cellular health: the Omega-3 Index, the AA:EPA Index, and the Carbometabolic (Palmitic Acid) Index. These three important markers help patients measure, track, and improve their health at the cellular level. If you’re fuzzy-headed, anxious, in constant pain, forgetful, sluggish or otherwise not functioning optimally, it may be cellular inflammation -- cells on fire. Using the Brainspan cellular markers, Dr. Stephey can help you measure the concentration of omega-3 fatty acids in your red cell membranes and guide you toward improved cellular health. If your markers are too high, you’re setting yourself up for chronic inflammation that, among other things, causes chronic pain and reduces brain functioning. If your brain and body cells are inflamed, let Dr. Stephey help you put out the fire. Contact Dr. Stephey to order your easy to administer at-home test kit or to schedule a comprehensive neurodevelopmental / behavioral eye exam.

To learn more about Vision and Omega 3’s, Nutrition Therapy, Cellular Inflammation, Brain Functioning, AA:EPA Ratios, Arachidonic Acid, Fish Oil, Essential Fatty Acids, Cellular Health, , Visual Memory, DHA, and improving your memory, visit our Resources Page.